Since the content on this page is rapidly growing, at some point in time I will re-organize. For the meantime, it is what it is.
PMRV joins XMRV as possible etiologic agent of chronic fatigue syndrome
FDA, NIH Team IDs Murine Leukemia Virus Genes in Blood of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Patients
HHS: An XMRV Toolbox
XMRV, Chronic Fatigue and prostate cancer
Characterization of antibodies elicited by XMRV infection and development of immunoassays useful for epidemiologic studies
The CDC's Absence of Evidence Study
"Lombardi et al. did not specify if patients were evaluated for exclusionary conditions, or if the study subjects met both definitions, or which patients met either CFS definition. The 1994 International CFS case definition and the Canadian Consensus Criteria are different and do not necessarily identify similar groups of ill persons. Most notably, the Canadian Criteria include multiple abnormal physical findings such as spatial instability, ataxia, muscle weakness and fasciculation, restless leg syndrome, and tender lymphadenopathy. The physical findings in persons meeting the Canadian definition may signal the presence of a neurologic condition considered exclusionary for CFS and thus the XMRV positive persons in the Lombardi et al. study may represent a clinical subset of patients [11]."
Man, I hate being right sometimes.
Detection of an Infectious Retrovirus, XMRV, in Blood Cells of Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
A Different Kind of XMRV? Dr. Mikovits and Dr. Racaniello on XMRV by Cort Johnson
Nature Proceedings: Preview of publication on:
Proteins of the XMRV retrovirus implicated in chronic fatigue syndrome and prostate cancer are homologous to human proteins relevant to both diseases.
XMRV Fact Sheet: From the AABB (America Association of Blood Banks)
Dr. John Coffin
CFSAC XMRV testimony in October,2009
Phoenix Rising Interview with Dr. Coffin
Potential Risk to Blood Supply Probed
HIV and the Blood Supply
XMRV is infective in primates and produces an immune response
Dr. Nancy Klimas; Aids Researcher and CFS Clinician on XMRV
Dr. Mikovits - Dr. Cheney on XMRV and CFS (2/20/10)
CROI: Secrets of Novel Retrovirus Unfolding: A Must Read
Virologists on XMRV: The Goff/Raccaniello Talk:
"... one team had followed primates over a year; they found that XMRV levels peaked at one week after infection, then declined to low levels for the rest of the year but that they found it in a lot of tissues."
ASCO GU: Novel Retrovirus Mimics HIV Transmission
CFS/ME Bio-markers (Dr. Alan Light)
Since the content on this page is rapidly growing, at some point in time I will re-organize. For the meantime, it is what it is.
PMRV joins XMRV as possible etiologic agent of chronic fatigue syndrome
FDA, NIH Team IDs Murine Leukemia Virus Genes in Blood of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Patients
HHS: An XMRV Toolbox
XMRV, Chronic Fatigue and prostate cancer
Characterization of antibodies elicited by XMRV infection and development of immunoassays useful for epidemiologic studies
The CDC's Absence of Evidence Study
"Lombardi et al. did not specify if patients were evaluated for exclusionary conditions, or if the study subjects met both definitions, or which patients met either CFS definition. The 1994 International CFS case definition and the Canadian Consensus Criteria are different and do not necessarily identify similar groups of ill persons. Most notably, the Canadian Criteria include multiple abnormal physical findings such as spatial instability, ataxia, muscle weakness and fasciculation, restless leg syndrome, and tender lymphadenopathy. The physical findings in persons meeting the Canadian definition may signal the presence of a neurologic condition considered exclusionary for CFS and thus the XMRV positive persons in the Lombardi et al. study may represent a clinical subset of patients [11]."
Man, I hate being right sometimes.
Detection of an Infectious Retrovirus, XMRV, in Blood Cells of Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
A Different Kind of XMRV? Dr. Mikovits and Dr. Racaniello on XMRV by Cort Johnson
Nature Proceedings: Preview of publication on:
Proteins of the XMRV retrovirus implicated in chronic fatigue syndrome and prostate cancer are homologous to human proteins relevant to both diseases.
XMRV Fact Sheet: From the AABB (America Association of Blood Banks)
Dr. John Coffin
CFSAC XMRV testimony in October,2009
Phoenix Rising Interview with Dr. Coffin
Potential Risk to Blood Supply Probed
HIV and the Blood Supply
XMRV is infective in primates and produces an immune response
Dr. Nancy Klimas; Aids Researcher and CFS Clinician on XMRV
Dr. Mikovits - Dr. Cheney on XMRV and CFS (2/20/10)
CROI: Secrets of Novel Retrovirus Unfolding: A Must Read
Virologists on XMRV: The Goff/Raccaniello Talk:
"... one team had followed primates over a year; they found that XMRV levels peaked at one week after infection, then declined to low levels for the rest of the year but that they found it in a lot of tissues."
ASCO GU: Novel Retrovirus Mimics HIV Transmission
CFS/ME Bio-markers (Dr. Alan Light)
April 4, 2010 IACFS/ME Newsletter. Insights and updates from Dr. Mikovits.
The National Cancer Institute, with Mikovits and Ruscetti, finds XMRV in CFS patients with antibody and new serology tests
The National Cancer Institute, with Mikovits and Ruscetti, finds XMRV in CFS patients with antibody and new serology tests
Inhibition of XMRV by APOBEC3 and anti-viral drugs
Scientific American: Retrovirus Linked to CFS
May 24, 2010 retrovirus conference at Cold Spring Harbor
Dr. Judy Mikovits Letter to the IACFS/ME editor
Scientific American: Retrovirus Linked to CFS
May 24, 2010 retrovirus conference at Cold Spring Harbor
Dr. Judy Mikovits Letter to the IACFS/ME editor
==============Potential Treatments=============
More will be added as becomes available. I will post the WPI Clinic opening when I have that information.
Medscape on invitro HIV medsand (X,P)MRV/MLV
Dr. Klima's Chronic Fatigue Center
Dr. Peterson's Update (on XMRV, Ampligen, Anti-retrovirals, Stem Cells and more.)
HIV Drugs with Possible Efficacy Against XMRV
Phoenix Rising
Phoenix Rising XMRV Treatment Forum
Harvard/Einstein educated, and at one point, assistant director of the ED and director of Urgent Care at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center. Dr. Jamie Deckoff-Jones blogs about her and her daughters' XRMV treatment using HIV Anti-retrovirals.
Apobec 3G Efficiently Reduces Infectivity of the Human Exogenous Gammaretrovirus XMRV
Long-term valacyclovir and/or valganciclovir therapy (Dr. Lerner)
Learning CFS: Dr. Lerner
Susceptibility of the human retrovirus XMRV to antiretroviral inhibitors
================XMRV Research Studies=============
XMRV CFS Studies: Phoenix Rising
Ongoing NIH XMRV Research Projects